Just One More

Snow on branches of the bushes

Snow on the bushes and

We got a touch of snow today. Just an inch or two, but it was enough to make me happy. I’m feeling in-between, like the weather is right now. I’m ready for spring to come, but I’m also happy to get one more snow. Just to have a chance to appreciate it and say goodbye.

Once more into the snow boots, dear friends. One more pass on the car with the scraper. A few hundred more tiny flakes on my face, and then I’ll be ready to put it away for the season.

A little bit of snow on the ground under the pine trees

We might even get a dusting on Sunday. Then next week it’s temps in the 60s and 70s, so this feels like the end of the snow.

Snow on branches on the bushes

But, you never know, there’s always a chance of getting one more monster snow storm in March/April that will completely blanket the town in ice crystals. The in-between times can be kind of fun.

9 thoughts on “Just One More”

    1. Thank you! Not sad exactly, but maybe a little. We didn’t get as much snow as usual so it’s a little disappointing in that respect. But at the same time I’m ready for spring and summer to arrive.

  1. Yes, several areas of Britain have been having plenty of snow this week. March (and even April sometimes) is always that ‘transitional’ month. Still, I think we’re all feeling the same positivity as you. 🙂

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